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首页 » 压平眼压计 (YZ30X)
压平眼压计 (YZ30X)
  • 压平眼压计 (YZ30X)

压平眼压计 (YZ30X)

Detailed description

Applanation Tonometer

压平眼压计 (YZ30X)

Model: YZ30X

The product is designed on the principle basis of Goldman tonometer. 
It can be connected with slit lamp(Carl Zeiss type).


◆ 在裂隙灯显微镜下进行测量,既可作眼部检查又可测量眼压
◆ 测量数据准确,眼压计本身之误不超过±0.066KPa (0.5mmHg)
◆ 可直接求得眼压数值,不需查表或有其它换算手续
◆ 眼压数值不受眼壁硬度影响,所致眼球容积变化仅为0.56mm3
◆ 可校准的测量压力,保证眼压计长期工作的稳定性和测量结果的可靠性


When used with slit lamp, it can be used to examine the eyes and measure the ocular pressure.
Accurate measurement and total tolerance is less than 0.066KPa(0.55Hg).
Directly get the ocular pressure and do not need to look up the conversion table. 
The measured ocular pressure is not affected by hardness of eye.
The affected ocular volume is just 0.56 cubic millimeter.
Adjustable measuring pressure ensures the long-term stability and reliability.

 Measuring Range  0~1064 Kpa
 Light Ring Displacement  1.53×2=3.06mm
 Diameter of Prism Head  7mm
 Moving Range of Prism Head  3mm